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Automotive Industry levy declaration portal workshop

Dear Valued Member,

The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications is a public entity of the Department of Trade and Industry. Its mandate is to protect the health and safety of consumers, the environment and ensure fair trade.

NRCS enforces Compulsory Specifications and Technical Regulations in the Automotive Industry under which you trade, and cordially invites you to a special training workshop designed to provide stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of our organisation’s new levy system.

If you are a stakeholder in the NRCS, your participation in this workshop is crucial to ensuring a smooth transition to the new system and maximising its benefits.

As per the attached invite, there are 2 sessions of the Automotive Levy Declaration workshop which has been scheduled for the 1st of August 2024.

Please find below the link to access one of the sessions for the suitable slot of your choice.
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 379 652 550 368
Passcode: wiHV4m

Kindly note that each session will be 3 hours.

Session 1 : 09h00 – 12h00
Session 2 : 13h30 – 16h30

You can RSVP to one of the email addresses provided on the attached invite, or rsvp to those stated below:


Your positive responds in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Julian Pillay  ​
Regulatory Compliance Manager